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“The Great Commission Trust”      Registered as a charity in the UK.      Registration No 802537

Great Commission Trust

Please send enquiries in the first instance to:

The Great Commission Trust


The Great Commission Trust was first registered in 1990 with a vision to facilitate and support the development of new Christian charitable projects, and in particular those which have the likelihood of developing into fully independent charities in their own right.  

Since 1990 we have seen the launch of a new charity initially supported by us, and have been able to support a number of other great Christian projects which fit in with the primary objective of the Trust, which is to 'advance the Christian Religion by the promotion of the Gospel throughout the UK and overseas'.  

By far the largest project we have supported (and continue to support) is the work  of the Reverend Daniel Gitau and his team in Kenya, which comprises a medical centre, a school, and youth rehabilitation project.  Follow the pages of this website to learn more about this

Kenya Projects

Other Projects

(Click here to view the full ‘official’

descriptionof the charity . . . )

School photo School Van

The School Bus

Dolphin School, Kamwaura


Dolphin School, Kamwaura, Kenya

School photo